This week, we’re zooming into an inspiring story that unfolds in the locker rooms of the Indiana Pacers, unraveling the remarkable power of proactive and efficient disinfection in protecting athletes’ health and safeguarding investments. Spotlight: A Slam Dunk...
This week, we’re shining a light on a pivotal aspect of our business that provides our sales reps with a unique advantage in the marketplace: MonoFoil’s status as a sole-source manufacturer. Discover why this unique positioning not only enhances your selling...
This week, let’s explore the time and money saving power of MonoFoil D, which combines the power of 3 products into one. Learn how MonoFoil D is not just a cleaning product but a comprehensive solution designed to cater to the unique needs of every industry, saving...
In this week’s edition, we’re zeroing in on a feature that stands head and shoulders above the rest: 24-hour protection. It’s more than just a number; it’s a promise of round-the-clock defense. Let’s unravel why this is a game-changer in...
Equipping Schools for a Healthy Cold & Flu Season As we approach another school year and the impending cold and flu season, it’s paramount that we empower ourselves with knowledge about antimicrobials and their role in safeguarding students, staff, and...